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Health and Safety

McGrath Insulation has always recognised the importance of Health and Safety in the workplace.
Before attending any site every employee must have or be working towards the following:

  • A CSCS card
  • Confind space certificate
  • A manual handling certificate
  • PASMA certificate
  • Asbestos Awareness certificate
  • IPAF Certificate
  • An understanding of risk assessment and method statement
  • NVQ Level

Our statement of general policy is:

  • To provide adequate control of the Health and Safety risks arising out of our work activities
  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their Health and Safety
  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances
  • To provide information and instruction for employees
  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions
  • To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals


L.P. McGrath Limited recognises the need for sustainable development and continually aims to improve the environmental effect of its activities

  • Meeting or improving upon relevant legislative, regulatory and environmental codes of practice.
  • Developing objectives that target environmental improvements and monitor performance by regular review.
  • Considering any environmental issues in the decision-making process.
  • Developing a relationship with suppliers and contractors so that we all

    recognise our environmental responsibilities.
  • Educating staff so that they carry out their activities in an environmentally responsible manner.

Provide for the effective use of resources by: -

  • Promoting waste minimisation by recycling or finding other uses for byproducts whenever economically viable.
  • Promoting the efficient use of resources, energy and fuel throughout the organisation’s operations.


Unit 6        Little Forge Road           Park Farm North             Redditch           B98 7SF           Worcestershire

Tel - 01527 524787       Fax - 01527 528505           

A limited company registered in England No. 6761591 V.A.T. Reg No. 5894 163


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